Basically, the focus group and interviews all had a commonality in that technology helps ELL students and
Mathspace is a good tool. Saw improved scores and student engagement using MathSpace. I have attached
raw data of 31 students with test scores for the 6 units of algebra 1. Please discuss units and test scores.
Included student demographics with average grade level of 11 and an ESOL language level of 2 or a scale of
1-6 with 1 being lowest and 6 fluent. Also average scores for all units and the end of class SOL test is included.
Please discuss trends, etc.
The findings are that technology does help ELLs and MathSpace in this instance showed increased scores,
better math understanding and engagement in ELLs and the Algebra 1 pass rate improved. Drawbacks are
that there was a slight learning curve for students to learn the program. Again, please use sections 1 and 2 as
a guide to write section 3.0 and 4.0 as everything needs to tie back to each other.
Sections 1 and 2 of my paper have been approved and does not need any changes. Please fix parts in
sections 3 and 4 with professor’s comments. Please leave track changes on so that I can easily see the
changes made. Use the sample project attached as a guide to see the writing style and details needed.

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