Al Qaeda and the role of Osama bin Laden in this organization
Your paper should be 900-1000 words in length that explains the topic you have chosen and why. Explain the impact your topic has had on America or a country of your choosing. For example, is there an economic, political, religious, or social impact? How is the impact being countered or addressed? What lessons should be learned? A key part of this assignment is for you to link what you have learned in the course to your topic. For example, you can link to specific textbook pages tables, charts, graphs, chapter topics, course videos and even discussion questions. At least 4 scholarly references should be used to support your main points. Quoted material should be avoided. Instead, please provide paraphrased research to support your main points that are accompanied with in-text references.
Week 1 Discussion Topic: Provide an overview of Al Qaeda and the role of Osama bin Laden in this organization. Your assessment should include the War on Terror that was waged against Al Qaeda and should highlight the current condition of the Al Qaeda organization.
Week 2 Discussion Topic: How does radicalism impact terrorism ideology? Analyze anarchism, Marxism, and fascism.
Week 3 Discussion Topic: Provide an assessment of three historical cases of terrorism.
Week 4 Discussion Topic: ISIS is an organization that emerged following Al Qaeda. Assess how ISIS was formed, its leaders, and its role in terrorism. Also, assess the current state of the war on terror involving ISIS.
Week 5 Discussion Topic: Our assigned reading material this week highlights the steps that are being taken to protect the United States from another terror attack. For example, we have learned about the role of the Department of Homeland Security and specific agencies within this organization that have the responsibility to protect specific targets, such as the Nation’s electrical grid, ports, and other vulnerable locations that could disabling to our Nation if they were attacked.