Accounting information system
Accounting information system
The company is Crown Casino Perth (Western Australia), and this is group assignment, my partner already finish 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0, I needs to do 3.0, 4.0, 5.0. Please see below:
1.0 Provide details of the REVENUE cycle provided in 2 above by drawing a context DFD, level 0 DFD, and document flowchart, and the data attributes required. (20 marks)
2.0 Create a database by linking the data files showing the attributes described in 3 above only using a relational database management system (RDBMS) of your choice (e.g. MS-Access, FileMaker, etc). (40 marks)
3.0 Design 3 data entry screens and 3 reports related to the business cycle in 4 above. The layout must be shown but there is no need to use the software used for 4 above. (5 marks) – Describe why screens and reports are necessary but attached screens and reports layout in the appendix.
Task: Write a technical report for a manager showingthe:
a) attributes of a suitable database for management to achieve the organisation’s* business goals and
b) control activities required to manage the inherent risks the organisation faces.
*In week 1, your tutor will tell you which industry your organisation is related to.
The report must include the following:
1.0 The organisation
1.1 Provide a brief background to the organisation including its core business(es). State its vision and mission.(2 marks)
1.2 Identify the key goals needed to achieve its mission and vision. (4 marks)
1.3 Identify and assess the inherent risks pertaining to the achievement of these goals. (4 marks)
2.0 Identify all the business cycles necessary to achieve the key goals stated in 1.2 above. (5 marks)
3.0 Provide details of the REVENUE cycle provided in 2 above by drawing a context DFD, level 0 DFD, and document flowchart, and the data attributes required. (20 marks)
4.0 Create a database by linking the data files showing the attributes described in 3 above only using a relational database management system (RDBMS) of your choice (e.g. MS-Access, FileMaker, etc). (40 marks)
5.0 Design 3 data entry screens and 3 reports related to the business cycle in 4 above. Thelayout must be shown but there is no need to use the software used for 4 above.(5 marks) – Describe why screens and reports are necessary but attached screens and reports layout in the appendix.
6.0 List the controls to mitigate the inherent risks identified in 1.3 above. For each control, state the type of control – preventive, detective and corrective. (15 marks)
7.0 Written communication skill (5 marks).
Each of the seven points above will be a separate section in your report. As well as these sections, you should also include an introduction, a conclusion and a reference list. As well as the points shown above, 5 points will be awarded to your ability to communicate appropriately in written English.
Your report should have sections and numbering based on the “template_Report_AS204_CS (1).docx” document.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Students should get familiar with Curtin policy on plagiarism to avoid committing the offence. Student Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism and Student Checklist to Prevent Plagiarism can be downloaded from
Report Format:
The assignment must be:
– in 12-point Times New Roman font
– double-spaced with 1-inch margins, and
– printed single-sided in A4-sized paper.
The maximum length of the assignment is7 pages, excluding the cover page and references.Do not exceed the page limit or use inappropriate formatting such as using smaller font size, 1.5 line spacing, or narrower page margin, etc. Note that it is the quality, not the length of the report that determines the grade of the assignment. Good business writing should be concise – expressing more with fewer words.
File Format and File Name:
MS Word with a file name “Tutor’s Name_StudentID_Student Name.docx”.For example, “Vincent_12345678_JoeBlogg.docx” if your student ID is 1234567.