Abstraction template with instructions for e-Journal Club.

Abstraction template with instructions for e-Journal Club.

[Title of HuGENet™e-Journal Club Review]

Abstraction Template

Key variables and description    Article
Complete the bibliographic reference for the article according to AJE format.
[First Author Last Name] [First Name Initial], et al.  [Title of Journal Article]. [Journal Title]. [Year] Month;volume(issue):pages.
Category of HuGE information

Specify the types of information (from the list below) available in the article:
1.    Prevalence of gene variant
2.    Gene-disease association
3.    Gene-environment interaction
4.    Gene-gene interaction
5.    Genetic test evaluation/monitoring
Study hypotheses or purpose

State the authors study hypotheses or main purpose for conducting the study.


Identify the following:
•    Gene name
•    Chromosome location
•    Gene product/function
•    Alleles
•    OMIM #    Gene name:
Chromosome location
Gene product/function

Gene name: [Repeat for second gene, if applicable]

Environmental factor(s)
Identify the major environmental factors studied (infectious, chemical, physical, nutritional, and behavioral).
[List numerically]
Health outcome(s)

Identify the major health outcome(s) studied.
[List numerically]

Study design

Specify the types of study designs (from the list below) in the article:
1.    Case-control
2.    Cohort
3.    Cross-sectional
4.    Descriptive or case-series
5.    Clinical trial
6.    Population screening    [Insert all that apply]

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