Aboriginal studies



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Read this excerpt from Robert Odawi Porter (2005), a citizen of the Heron clan of the Seneca Nation, from his article: “The decolonization of Indigenous governance”:

Being under the control of a foreign sovereign is, by definition, a violation of the inherent right of self-determination of the occupied people. To some Native People today, this may not be a problem for them. After all, what is wrong with being colonized and under control of the the wealthiest and most prosperous nation in the world [the USA]? The problem is that the loss of freedom associated with living under the authority of another people strips away our ability to survive as distinct Indigenous societies. Decolonization is the process of ending colonization and restoring the path of self-determination for a colonized people. Decolonization is important for Indigenous Peoples because it creates the possibility that we can regain out inherent right of self-determination, and thus ensure our survival (pp. 87-108).
From: Wilson, WA & Bird, MY (eds.) 2005, For Indigenous eyes only: A decolonization handbook, School of American Research Press.

give “Yes or “No” responses to these statements/questions and also provide a short explanation for your response in not more than 100 words per question:

1. Sovereignty is the power of a people to control their own destiny;

2. The extent of sovereignty is dependent on
3 things: (a) the degree to which the people believe in the right to define their own future; (b) the degree to which people have the ability to carry out those beliefs; (c) the degree to which sovereign acts are recognised both within the nation and the outside world.

3. Is sovereignty important for improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander/Indigenous peoples in general?

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