Abide In Me and I in You

Abide In Me and I in You

Instructions for Research Paper
Topic of Paper: “Abide In Me and I in You”
Scripture Exegesis: John 15:4-11

Detailed Instructions for Research Paper
– Every Paragraph MUST start with a question
– Identify a passage or theme (i.e. Introduce the passage)
– Introduction needs to be a paragraph, a synopsis of what has happen or is happening in the passage.
– Informed Discussion (i.e. reading or exegesis) 10-12 pages
– Early Pentecostal Reception History (i.e. how has this passage impacted    Pentecostal tradition, pentecostalarchives.org)
– Reflections: 1 paragraph, (summary of one of the themes that occurs in the passage.)
– General Questions: (i.e. from text to context, Life Application) 1 paragraph
– Personal Questions: (1 paragraph)
– Responses: 1 paragraph (4 Directives…Spiritual Disciplines, Sacraments, Community,)

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