A personal inventory

Do a personal inventory to try to guide the rest of your personal and professional path as you head towards a career in health services. Maybe you have heard of a SWOT analysis- this is a common practice that companies engage in to assess their characteristics and aid them in moving in a positive direction. SWOT stands for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.” For this first assignment, your task is to perform a personal SWOT analysis to help you establish where you are and what you need to do to get where you want to go. Remember, upon graduation you will be competing with thousands of like-minded graduates from across the country and even from around the world. Accomplishing the bare minimum might not be enough to get you in the position you want to be in, and waiting until your last semester won’t give you the time you need to attend to some of the changes you might need to make. Dealing with these issues now, while you are pursuing your degree, will help you see what traits you have that you can capitalize on, and where you need to work on improvement. Every one of you is in a different place in your life and career, so everyone’s SWOT analysis will be very different.

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