A mind map of the archetypes

Once you are done answering all the questions, build a mind map of the archetypes explored here PLUS the ones you learned in this week’s lecture. Be as thorough and organized as possible with the mind map. If you don’t know what a mind map is,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLWV0XN7K1g
Besides the map, please place in the same document the answer for Q10, Q11, and Q12 (Questions go before the map)
Access the Exponential Growth Archetype here: https://insightmaker.com/insight/24250/Exponential-Growth-Archetype (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Compare the CLD and the Stock and flow diagram. Make sure to understand how they’re depicting the same system
Simulate the model and analyze the behaviour of the curves.
Systematically modify the values of “Factor” and “Results” several times, running a new simulation each time
After a few simulations, discuss with your group:
Q1 What is the role of each of the variables you modified in the overall behaviour of the system?
Q2 Is the growth of the curve accelerating, staying the same, or decreasing over time? Explain why
Q3 Give one example of an Exponential Growth system
Access the Exponential Decay Archetype here: (your browser may ask you if you want to allow custom code to run, click “yes”) https://insightmaker.com/insight/36130/Exponential-Decay (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Read the description of the exponential decay at the bottom of your screen. This is a presentation, and you can change slides by clicking the “Step Forward” button on your bottom right. When you get to the last slide, click “Exit story” to start working with the model.
Systematically modify the values of “Current State,” “Goal,” and “Action Factor” several times, running a new simulation each time
After a few simulations, discuss with your group:
Q5 How the current state (results), goal, and action factor (factor) affect the behaviour of the system over time?. How does goal serve to guide behaviour?
Access the S-shaped behaviour Archetype here: https://insightmaker.com/insight/58788/Clone-of-Limits-to-Growth-Archetype (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Systematically modify all the values of the system, several times, running a new simulation each time
After a few simulations, discuss with your group:
Q6 What differences and similarities can you find between this archetype and the previous ones?
Q7 What is the role of each of those variables within the system?
Q8 What real-world systems are based on this archetype? Discuss what part of that real-life system would be represented by each of the variables shown here
Access the Rabbit population model here: https://insightmaker.com/insight/2580/Insight-Maker-Sensitivity-Analysis (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.). (note: this model has some extra text and a “clear sample model.” Please disregard all that text and DO NOT click on that button)
Q9 Does this model accurately represent a rabbit population (disregarding abiotic factors)?
Q10 What archetype this model is showing?
Q11 What archetype would better describe the population?
Q12 How many system archetypes exist? (use this question to guide your mind mapping)
Some online options for your mindmap. These are just optional, you can use any other software or hand draw it (not recommended)
https://www.mindmaps.app/ (Links to an external site.)
https://bubbl.us/ (Links to an external site.)
https://www.mindmup.com/ (Links to an external site.)

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