A meaningful event

Reflect on an event (news event, personal event, social event) that has impacted you or
intrigued you in some meaningful way. In the essay, analyze the event (what caused it, why did
people/you react to it the way that they/you did, how could people/you have handled the event better,
etc.) using theories, concepts, and research findings that you have learned throughout this course. In
the essay, you are expected to:

  1. Write an introductory paragraph that briefly describe the event, and then state between 5 and 7
    textbook theories/concepts/research that you will use in your self‐analysis.
  2. Describe the event succinctly, yet with enough detail (about 1 to 1.25 pages). If the event is very
    complex, focus on aspects of the event that land themselves most readily to analysis using the
    theories/concepts/research you have selected.
  3. Analyze the event using the theories/concepts/research you have selected. There are different ways
    you can do this. One way, for example, would be to:
    a. Using your own words, describe the first theory/concept/research. Be sure to include APA‐style
    in‐text citation at the end of the description.
    b. Explain how that theory/concept/research helps you gain insight to certain aspects of the event.
    For example, how does the theory/concept/research help explain the cause of the event, your
    reaction to the event, and/or the impact of the event on you?
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