A description of a business continuity plan

Create a business continuity plan https://brillianthomeworkhelpers.com/hello-you-did-a-personal-skills-lesson-plan-for-me-and-did-a-great-job-on-the-o/education/ and response plans to proactively and reactively address the cybersecurity needs of a company.

Using the case study company selected for the Topics 1-3 assignments, write a business continuity plan and response plans (1,250-1,500 words).

A description of a business continuity plan to prevent and recover from failures in the system. Use “Breaking Down Silos Between Business Continuity and Cyber Security,” by Phillips & Tanner, as a guide.

A description of response plans to address immediate threats and incidents.

Identify at least three common threats and incidents.
Describe the ideal response times for each threat and incident.
Create a demo test plan describing how often you would test your response plans.

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