Paper requirement:
Paper requirement:
1. words length:between 2500 to 3000 words maximum
2. The assignment to be completed is a written report on an Australian company or a foreign company operating in Australia covering at least the period over the past 2 years.
2. Students will individually develop a case study that explores the nature and drivers of global strategies for their chosen organization.
3. This assignment needs to have a global strategic management focus. It should include a clear description and critical analysis of the global strategies deployed by your chosen company including an evaluation of how well these strategies have worked.
4. The relevant information may be collected from annual reports or other published articles such as those available from the library electronic database, as well as other media.
The assessment will be marked on
1.the quality of the identification description and analysis of critical strategic issues;
2.the inclusion of appropriate material data and the provision of enough scope for detailed analysis; and grammar and written English.
3.You must do relevant additional research (apart from accessing the information on websites of the company) to successfully complete your analysis.
Reference reuqirment:
1. Harvard referencing style
2. 14 academic reference(minimum 6 academic journal article)
3. paper will be checked by turnitin so, proper paraphrasing and no plagiarism.
4. Whenever you make an argument in this report, you need to have academic reference to support your opinion.
Two must cite book:
You must include/cite these two books as reference in this report.
1. Global business today / Charles W.L. Hill, Thomas Cronk, Rumintha Wickramasekera.
2. Lasserre, P., (2012): Global Strategic Management, Third Edition, Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, ISBN:13-978-0-230-29381-6
Additional research help:
These are some very useful academic journal and books for your research
Journal of Business Strategy, Strategy & Leadership, Academy of Management Review,
Harvard Business Review, Australian Journal of Management,
California Management Review, Global Competitiveness, International Marketing Review, International Studies of Management and Organization,
Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business.
Yip, George (2002) Total Global Strategy II: Managing for World Wide Advantage, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Ghemawat, P. (2007) Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders In A World Where Differences Still Matters. Harvard Business School Press Boston Massachusetts, McGraw-Hill Australia.
Peng, M. W. (2008). Global Strategy, Cengage Learning.
Clegg, S., Carter, C., Kornberger, M. and Schweitzer, J. (2011) Strategy Theory and Practice, Sage Publications, London