weekly assignment

weekly assignment

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Write a brief (approximately 250 words) response to this week’s reading: “Why are Americans Afraid of Dragons?”.


Your weekly Reading Response posts must engage the week’s primary and secondary readings in a productive way that draws connections between the various readings and proposes potential lines of inquiry. Although you may reference the primary reading (the novels and film), the main focus should be on the secondary readings for the week (academic articles, essays, speeches, etc.). Use the following questions to guide your response:

Who is the rhetor? What are his/her stakes in the argument?
What is the thesis (claim) of his/her argument?
What are some of the unstated assumptions of the claim?
Who is the audience for this text? How does that help in understanding the intent/effects of the claim?
How can these claims be used to make sense/analyze the primary text being considered this week?

Your response must make clear that you have (1) done the reading for the week, (2) carefully and thoughtfully considered how the secondary readings relate to the main texts for the week, (3) are conscious of the rhetorical situation of the texts being analyzed, and (4) made an effort to say something original.

There are several ways of identifying and analyzing a text’s genre. You may approach genre through form, in which case you would identify a poem by its structure of stanzas, lines and rhyme schemes. Or you may approach genre through through content, in which case you would identify a horror film by the likely presence of a monster or killer, a hero or heroine, one or several victims and a fair amount of suspense and scares. In all of these cases, we are dealing with what are called “conventions” of a genre: the expectations of the audience that a particular category of text should fulfill (i.e., we would expect a poem to have a specific rhyme scheme or we would expect a horror film to be frightening).

As we will be focusing on a particular genre throughout the quarter, I would like you to get started early thinking about this genre and some of its conventions or expectations. Broadly speaking, the two novels we are reading by Ursula K. LeGuin can be categorized within the genre of speculative or imaginative fiction; more specifically, we can categorize them as works of fantasy; getting even more specific, we may speak of them as works of young adult fantasy — which would separate them from, say, the kind of epic high fantasy of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, for example.

Doing some research online, as well as some thinking on your own about what you know of the fantasy genre, make a list of some of the expectations or conventions we might expect to find in these two novels by Le Guin. An easy way to get started is to complete this sentence: “When I open a work of fantasy, I expect to find…” Keep in mind that conventions may relate to specific characters or figures in a work or more generally to aspects of plot and story.

Come up with a list of ten different conventions of the fantasy genre, and write them here. Then write a paragraph (about 50-100 words) identifying one or two of the conventions you found and how you think they may get used or reinvented by LeGuin in the novels we’re reading.

To writer: Both of the assignments are short and easy(shorter than what I have paid for so please make them good) and you can separate them into different pages. I don’t need any format of them because I need to post them in the forum. I will provide an example of assignment 2 , but you can’t copy it because it is my classmate’s work.

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