Exploring the aims of practical work
Exploring the aims of practical work
The portfolio provides a clearly presented and well informed school, departmental and pupil context for the interpretation of observations.
The portfolio shows evidence of careful observation of lessons and interpretation of events and episodes that take place.
The portfolio explores critically from an informed perspective one theme selected from the unit content and discussed and illustrated in the context of the school and the lessons observed.
a)The portfolio text is carefully structured and appropriately signposted.
b) Material included in the appendix is clearly cited and fully justified in the text.
It must be relevant to my school visit at Mantravers Scool in Westbury and I have to refer to the ?Diary of Lesson Observations? included in the appendix, for more detail on what actually happened in each lesson and for more in depth interpretation and analysis of experiences.
Here is an example;
Teacher A? (week one, lesson one and week three, lesson two) posed open questions which required the students to think carefully about the topic while ?Teacher B? (week one, lesson three, week two, lesson one and week three, lesson one) used a closed questioning approach.
You can use ‘I’ verb while giving your views but please make sure that names of teachers and students are anonymised.