Film analysis and close reading;

Film analysis and close reading;

A) A shot-by-shot description of the assigned sequence from Citizen Kane. The sequence is available on Desire2Learn. 20%. Due 5/31

• Note down (in bullet form) all the shots in the sequence screened and number them. You may include the dissolves in one item on the list–but note the number of shots.

• Write a very brief 1-2 line description of what happens in each shot.

• Fill in the details of misc-en-scene: lighting, props, and acting

• Avoid interpretative terms, such as weird, odd, etc. Your goal is to note the formal aspects of this sequence.

B.) Montage: Re-do the entire sequence as a montage. In a paragraph describe what you think Welles tried to show in this sequence. Why does he have those gargoyles, dissolves, long takes and the way he lit Susan and Kane? What was he trying to say about the relationship?

Then, redesign the sequence as a montage. The sequence should be 8-20 shots long. Write a description of what happens in each shot, how the shot is framed, the duration of the shot and the sound accompanying it. 20%. Due 6/07

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