Building eBusiness: Design exercise and justification Assignment
Building eBusiness: Design exercise and justification Assignment
The exercise for this module involves 2 sections:
Section One: The creation of a budgeted improvement strategy document for the existing online business within an organisation of your choice.
Outline plans should be suitable for presentation to a potential manager or investor and can in bulleted list form (approx 10 pages, but focus on the content). High
marks will be achieved for succinctness, relevance, accuracy, and completeness.
Section Two: An extensive justification document justifying academically all the design choices using as many state of the art e-business ideas you have learned in the
module. You should link and integrate all the discussions from your budgeted improvement strategy document with the appropriate sections of the justification document
that justifies your decisions made and proposed. You should also use academic journal, conference papers, appropriate books and internet site references. This section
will be several pages according to the depth of the material. Higher marks will be achieved for depth, detail, accuracy, completeness, academic vigour writing style,
and appropriate integration with Section One. (approx. 20 pages)
Section One:
The following headings are indicative of what should be included and provide a guideline of the maximum length:
a. Management summary including outline budget estimate (1 side)
b. Outline of proposed idea (1)
Set out the major components of your idea. Who is it for? Why is it needed?
c. Review against competitors / similar ideas (1)
d. Top-level technology plan including choices for technology components (3)
e. Website improvement strategy to increase the influence for customers to buy (4)
f. Story board for user experience (2)
What will the system feel like for the customer or user? Sketch out the major components of the system so that the flow/dialogue can be understood.
g. Security management and technology decisions (1)
h. Critical review of feasibility (1)
Once you have completed your proposal you should stand back and review it. Is it really feasible? Are your cost savings or revenue projections realistic? What are the
problems that you are likely to face?
You may plan this assignment before the start of the module and refine your ideas during the taught sessions. Deadline dates will be advised.
Marking scheme
Section One: (Total 60%)
a. Management summary including outline budget estimate (5%)
A good answer will:
• present the summary clearly
• show the expected benefits
• outline the summary costs and ROI
b. Outline of proposed idea (5%)
A good answer will:
• present the idea clearly and succinctly
• show how the ideas fit the business
• demonstrate demand
c. Review against competitors / similar ideas (10%)
A good answer will:
• provide evidence of book and online research
• describe similar projects (successes and failures)
• present the lessons that need to be taken into the project
• Analytics results of competitor ecommerce sites
d. Top-level technology plan including choices for technology components (5%)
A good answer will: (software, hardware, firmware etc.)
• illustrate the technologies (hardware and software) that will be used
• make appropriate use of diagrams
• show how these will integrate with existing systems
• show how 3rd party services will be involved
e. Website improvement strategy to increase sales by applying various ecommerce 2.0 ideas to influence the customers to buy (20%)
A good answer will include ideas from:
• Marketing 2.0
• Social 2.0
• Engage 2.0
• Channel 2.0
f. Story board for user experience (5%) (example of 2 story boards, 1 bad and one good: explain them, justify the choice (second section), don’t just write the
story. )
A good answer will:
• describe or illustrate the customer journey
• provide sufficient detail (beyond the home page)
• discuss the design decisions taken
• provide links to appropriate industry and theoretical work
g. Security management and technology decisions (5%) (explain how fireworks, encryptions etc. work in such website)
h. Critical review of feasibility (5%)
A good answer will:
• demonstrate insight into the feasibility of the project. Explain why we save money and other beneficial components.
• describe likely barriers to its success, problems and issues.
• discuss ways of overcoming those barriers
Section Two: (Total 40%) (take of all of those points and explain them, evaluate them, critically review them, where have I found the improvements for such website?) ?
LINK IT TO SECTION 1. All related to the website I am working on. MUST DO SCREENSHOTS. Add example of what we could add to such website. Explain all of the diagram
that WE HAVE DONE In section 1 and IF NECESSARY, make a more detailed one in SECTION 2.
(Approximately 20 pages)
This section will take into consideration depth, detail, accuracy, completeness, academic vigour, writing style, and appropriate integration with Section One. It will
start off with a description and trends of the business domain being presented. The report will go through and link all the content in Section one and provide an
extensive justification document justifying academically all the design choices using as many state of the art e-business ideas you have learned in the module. You
should link and integrate all the discussions from your budgeted improvement strategy document with the appropriate sections of the justification document that
justifies your decisions made and proposed. You should also use academic journal, conference papers, appropriate books and internet site references. This section will
be several pages according to the depth of the material. Higher marks will be achieved for depth, detail, accuracy, completeness, academic vigour writing style, and
appropriate integration with Section One.
Building eBusiness: Design exercise and justification Assignment
Look at the web site, business issues, customer issues
Use NEXOR, google analytics (use one of them). Don’t just print analytics, explain and extract the points we want to focus on.
Business domain, where it fits in, how it has developed over the years in terms of e-commerce?
Look at 3 competitors (NEXOR, ANALYTICS etc.)
Talk about everything, cover all of the aspects we have learnt during the module.
Follow the structure but use our own title.
Section 1 = use the tools, use specific terms, use whatever you want.
Section 2 = explain section 1 tools, to someone who is involved in the management area. We have to explain our choices etc.
Don’t forget the front page.
Check BLACK AND DECKER example
Harvard reference style.
No abstract
As many clear diagrams as we can.
When analysing the web site, take each part and explain the problems (or positive sides) and fully describe them.
How to set up a successful e-business and how to improve the current e-business.
Identify the basic ordering idea. How do we acquire people? Advertising, SEO, email marketing
USE OVERVIEW OF E-BUSINESS to get ideas for the assignment.
MASHUPS = use of all the newest technologies to work together.
Web site design to improve the customer influence to buy the product = all about traffic and acquisition, conversion etc.
The best marketing we have is social marketing (through social networks). Also PEER MARKETING = what kind of people do I want to be around?
Identify who to work with, create a group (mention social medias). Use blogs and newsletters