Course project Part 2

Course project Part 2
Project instructions:
Create one decision tree and a fault or event tree that would support the exploration of risk for one of the above projects. The decision tree must be created to

support a major risk-related decision likely to be faced by the project. The fault or event tree should offer at a minimum a listing of potential risks and impacts in

the event of two smaller failures. For example, a smaller failure could be the loss of water pressure or a fire in a construction project rather than examining what

risk was involved with the collapse of the construction project.

Write a discussion of the risks that supports the fault tree, event tree, or decision tree that has been created. Make a separate write up for each of these smaller

risks associated with the fault tree or event tree. Your paper should have a general introduction that should introduce the decision tree and fault or event trees that

will be discussed, and then the paper should have a discussion regarding each tree. The discussion write-up regarding the identified risks should be from three to five

pages in length. Note that this page length is a guideline and if you find that your paper supporting the risk tree is longer, there will be no penalty, because the

final assignment will need to be from 15?20 pages in length.

Sample Outline of Typical Course Project Paper Part II

Course Project Part I
Decision Tree Analysis
Discussion of Decision Tree
Fault Tree
Discussion of Fault Tree
Works cited

Create one decision tree and a fault or event tree that would support the exploration of risk for one of the above projects. The decision tree must be created to

support a major risk-related decision likely to be faced by the project. The fault or event tree should offer at a minimum a listing of potential risks and impacts in

the event of two smaller failures. For example, a smaller failure could be the loss of water pressure or a fire in a construction project rather than examining what

risk was involved with the collapse of the construction project.
Write a discussion of the risks that supports the fault tree, event tree, or decision tree that has been created. Make a separate write up for each of these smaller

risks associated with the fault tree or event tree. Your paper should have a general introduction that should introduce the decision tree and fault or event trees that

will be discussed, and then the paper should have a discussion regarding each tree. The discussion write-up regarding the identified risks should be from three to five

pages in length. Note that this page length is a guideline and if you find that your paper supporting the risk tree is longer, there will be no penalty, because the

final assignment will need to be from 15–20 pages in length.
Sample Outline of Typical Course Project Paper Part II
1.    Course Project Part I
2.    Introduction
3.    Decision Tree Analysis
4.    Discussion of Decision Tree
5.    Fault Tree
6.    Discussion of Fault Tree
7.    Conclusions
Works cited

The goal of the final project is to select a project and then to create and detail a risk management plan that would support that project. The final deliverable will

consist of a fully formed risk management plan that would support such a project.

Your report should include the following components.
8.    Cover page: Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
9.    Table of contents: List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages in which they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
10.    Introduction: Use a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening is to
1.    introduce the subject and why the subject is important;
2.    preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and
3.    establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of

the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
•    Body of your report: Use a header titled with the name of your project (e.g., The Development of Hotel X—A World Class Resort). Then proceed to break out the

main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some

type of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during your research

and investigation.
•    Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary

identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect

the tourism industry.
•    Work cited: Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
•    Three-step process: Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.
•    Outline: Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
•    Start with a draft: Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
Visuals: Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. You could use risk charts or tables, example graphs, diagrams,

photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.


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