The Social Work Skills workbook, seventh edition by Barry R. Cournoyer. I
Case Study
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The workbook required to complete assignment is: The Social Work Skills workbook, seventh edition by Barry R. Cournoyer. I have typed the assignment and will upload it to order. please answer each questions and use the above mission workbook to complete the assignment. Thanks
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social service agency. In the space provided, write the words you would say in each situation.
As a city-employed social worker for homeless and “street” people, you notice a woman standing alongside the intersection of a highway. As cars stop, she displays a cardboard sign that reads, “homeless and Hungry—Will Work for Food.” One of your functions is to reach out to people in such situations, educate them about available resources, and, if they agree, arrange for them to obtain food, shelter, and a fairly wide range of social and medical services. You have a cell phone which allows for immediate contact with various organizations and service providers as well as a large, city-owned car that allows you to offer free transportation.
You walk up to the woman and smile. She backs up a step and warily watches as you approach. You smile again, introduce yourself by name, and indicate that you serve as a city social worker who helps people find food and shelter. You show her your city identification and hand her one of your business cards. At that point, you ask about her name. she says that her name is Loretta and appears slightly more comfortable than she did earlier. You ask Loretta to call you by your first name too and extend your arm in an offer to shake hands. You mention again that you job is to help people obtain food and shelter, and that you can give her a ride to a place where both are available. At this point, you are ready to ask Loretta your first exploratory question. Write the words you would say in doing so. Once written, specify whether the question is open-or closed-ended. Outline your rationale for choosing this particular question and anticipate how Loretta might respond.
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social services agency. Respond in the spaces provided by writing the words you would say to seek clarification in each situation.
You are an outreach worker for homeless and “street” people in your city. You have approached a woman who had been displaying a cardboard sign that reads, “Homeless and Hungry-Will work for Food. “You learned her name. Loretta responded to your initial question about her current situation by saying in part, “I’ve been like this since I lost my kids.” Write the words you would use to seek clarification in this situation. Outline the rationale for the words you chose. How do you think Loretta might react to this attempt to gain greater clarity?
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social service agency. Respond in the spaces provided by writing the words you would say in reflecting content in each situation.
You are in the midst of an exchange with Loretta, an apparently homeless woman on the street. In response to your question about her situation, she says, “I’ve been sleeping in a wooded area near the west side park. I made up this sign because3 I needed food. I’m hungry but I’m willing to work.” Write the words you would use in reflecting the content of Loretta’s message. Briefly describe your rationale for the words you chose. How do you think Loretta might reach to your content reflection?
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social service agency. In the spaces provided, write the words you would say in reflecting feelings and meanings in each situation.
You are in the midst of an exchange with Loretta, an apparently homeless woman on the street. In response to a question about a recent sexual assault, she says, “when that man forced me to give him sex I first felt terrified for my life. I thought he’d kill me if I didn’t do what he wanted.
Then, I felt disgusted about what I was doing. I’ve never been a whore and I tried oral sex only once before—and that was with my husband on our wedding night. After it was all done though, it didn’t seem so bad and I did get some money for food. That was the first time in several days that I had something to eat.” Write the words you would use in reflecting the feeling and meanings contained in Loretta’s message. Create three or four different versions to capture the different feelings and meanings. Briefly describe your rationale for the words you chose. How do you think Loretta might react to your reflection of her feelings and meanings?
Assume that you are a social worker at a multipurpose social services agency. In the space provided, write the words you would say in using the skill of partializing in each situation.
You are in the midst of an exchange with Loretta. In response to a question about her current needs, she says, “well, first I need food. I’m really hungry. Then, I need to clean up, put on a decent dress, and find a job. It would be nice to have a roof over my head—but I can stay at my little campsite for a while longer. Once I save enough money to travel, I’ll continue on my way to visit my youngest daughter. She lives about 1,300 miles from here.” First, separate and identify each of the elements in Loretta’s message. List them in outline fashion. Which do you think is most important? Now write the words you would say in attempting to partialize what she said. Outline your rationale for the words you chose. How do you think Loretta might react to your words?
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social services agency. Respond in the spaces provided by writing the words you would say in using the skills of going beyond what is said.
You are in the midst of an exchange with Loretta. In response to a question about her youngest daughter, she says, “well, I haven’t seen or talked with her in more than 15 years. When my husband divorced me, he got custody of the children. That destroyed me and I began to slide downhill from there. He remarried and his wife became their mother.” Write the words you would use in attempting to go beyond Loretta’s verbal statement. What is your rationale for the words you chose? How do you think she might respond? What is an alternate means for going beyond what she said?
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social services agency. In the space provided, write the words you would say in reflecting issues.
During an interview with Loretta, a homeless woman you first noticed on the street, she says, “I’m most concerned that when I finally arrive at my daughter’s doorstep, she won’t recognize me as her mother and will simply turn me away.” Write the words you would use in reflecting issues as Loretta views them.
For these exercises, assume that you are a social worker with a multipurpose social services agency. In the space provided, write the words you would say in reflecting hypotheses in response to the client’s statements.
During an interview, Loretta says, “If my daughter does reject me when I show up on her doorstep after all these years, I guess I’ll be able to understand why. I’ve been a mess for so long that I thought it would be better for both my kids if I were simply out of their lives. Their father is a good man and I’m pretty sure he married a king and decent woman. They’ve been better off without me. But now, I think, I’m almost well enough to reconnect with them and perhaps even add something to their lives.” Write the words you would say in reflecting hypotheses (explanatory, change oriented, or both) as Loretta expressed them. Outline you rationale for the words you chose. How do you think she might react to your reflections?