Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Order Description

Learning Outcome(s) Assessed

Understanding what corporate responsibility is, and how its definition may vary depending upon 1) cultural influences and traditions 2) state of economic development.

Description of Assignment

In this initial assignment, students are asked to provide a brief insight (2-3 pages) into how CSR is being defined in their own country. Is it formal, informal? Are there business practices that might be acceptable within their own countries, but would conflict or not be accepted globally? What are examples of companies that appear to be good, bad CSR companies based on their understanding?

The format can be a persuasive OpEd piece for the Financial Times or the Economist outlining the opportunity for corporate responsibility in the country, or a company memo to the Board of Directors informing them about the desired responsibility role of the company in the country.

Quality Indicators (how will it be graded; what constitutes a good assignment)

Students are assessed on how thoroughly they have considered the questions, how well they have researched the paper, including appropriate citations, and whether their understanding of CSR and observations about its practice in their country are well-supported by the examples given.

The country should be Croatia and I would like to have at least 2-3 examples in the paper. At the end you can find 3 class specifications in order to guide you more for the reedings. This term paper is supposed to be turned in after the 3rd class.

Here are Course Materials and Essential Reading

Class Topic
Defining Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Werther & Chandler (2011) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Preface & Chapter 1CASE: Greyser, S.A. (1982) Johnson&Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy.
The UN Global Compact Ten Principles. Download: ciples/index
Attendance, comprehension, and active participation;Study questions at the end of Chapter 1.

Class Topic
Defining the Ethical Framework
Werther & Chandler (2011) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Chapter 2 & 3
Bribery and Corruption CASE: Grover, A.; Guerrero, L. (2009) Medical Equipment Inc. In Saudi Arabia.
Attendance, comprehension, and active participation; Study questions at the end of Chapters 2 & 3.

Class Topic
Integrating CSR into Strategy and Culture
Werther & Chandler (2011) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Chapter 4 and 5.
Assignment 1
CSR in Your Home Country Paper (Indiv.), due 17 Apr, 11.59pm;Study questions at the end of Chapters 4 & 5.

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