Puritan, African, Haitian Migration

Puritan, African, Haitian Migration

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The essay question is….What institution (s) should be held accountable for the success or failure of the Puritan Diaspora, African Diaspora and Haitian transnational migration? Compare and contrast these three different migrations to the United States.

It must be based on these three writings:

A Storm of Witchcraft (Emerson Baker) The Salem Trials & The American Experience . Oxford Univ Press NY 2015 pages 14-42

The Making of African America, The Four Great Migrations (Ira Berlin) pages 50-98

Transnational Desires and Sex Tourism in the Domincan Republic, Whats Love got to do with it?. Duke University Press 2004 pages 154-182.

These 3 must be used as references and 2 or 3 other sources can be used. But the 3 listed here must be the “primary” ones used.

Computer printed: Double spaced: Margins 1 in from bottom, top, left & right. This needs to be five pages (not four, not 10). Number your pages. A note on style: Be concise: “Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts” (Strunck & White, 1979:23).
Papers that do not contain the proper citations and bibliographic format with appropriate amount of quotes and paraphrases will be graded accordingly.

You will need at least two paraphrases and two direct quotes. Citations for anthropology can be found at: www.aaanet.org/pubs/style_guide.htm
This is the American Anthropology AAA Style Guide website.
Direct Quote
“Like everyone else, he now wears traditional clothes and has grown a beard” (Pazira, 2005:250). (Author, year of publication: page #)
The Taliban are no longer freedom fighters (Pazira, 2005) (Author, year of publication)

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