revise paper for assignment# 3
revise paper for assignment# 3
Question 1 (maximum mark 100)
write a report on your review of your supplier selection process using the process of risk analysis and management as a framework to
• Identify a range of risks in the current system
• Make recommendations on which are the priority
• Make recommendations on how the risks identified could be reduced
• Include advice for your Head of Procurement on ‘selecting sustainable suppliers…..’
• A brief for the Head of Procurement on sustainable procurement
• Recommendations for other changes that could be made to develop sustainable procurement processes across the full procurement cycle
The revised content does not address the points made in the first feedback report: additional material has been provided regarding process rather than clearly identifying a range of risks as directed by the question. A completed risk register, sorted in order of priority and scored in a consistent approach using the relative Low, Medium, High scale to indicate impact level also has not been included in this revision as directed by the original feedback report.
The candidate needs to review the question: each point to be covered by the assignment is clearly indicated in the bullet points above. The first part of the question should include a completed risk register as directed above