Contemporary Practice For Public Health
Contemporary Practice For Public Health
Order Description
You are required to create a community profile for Ellon in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Community Profiles are ideal methods to analyse geographic areas for a number of social, economic and demographic characteristics. A community profile provides evidence based information which facilitates planning, evaluation of services and may highlight the need for further research. This community profile should be written as a report.
You may find the guidance below useful in helping you to compile your community profile:
?Briefly outline the geographic area covered and describe the population.
?Examine and discuss community networks. What is available in the local community for example; transport, employment, housing and education.
?Identify and critically appraise the health / social needs or key issues for the local population; for example high number of single mothers or drug and alcohol misuse, child care facilities, poor housing and relate to demographics to support this.
?Analyse and explore strengths and services already available in the local community and demonstrate why this is important for the community for addressing their identified needs.
?Explore and recommend methods or interventions to reduce the identified barriers to inequalities.
?Reflect on the role of other professionals and agencies that may be involved in addressing the identified health / social needs and appraise the services they provide.
As with all academic work you need to acknowledge the source of your evidence. You are required to use evidence from literature, research, local statistics, local agencies, services etc.
Report Structure
There is no one correct structure for reports.
The structure will vary depending on the subject matter covered in the report. You will be provided with information about how to structure the report for the subject you are writing about.
Consult your assignment sheet, departmental style guide or ask your tutor about the sections that will be required.
Common report structures
Title page
What do all these terms mean?
The following elements commonly occur in reports. But please note: many reports will contain different or additional features.
A brief summary of the report, often around 150 – 200 words. Can include:
• The purpose of the report
• How investigations were carried out
• The major findings
• the conclusions
• The main recommendations
Although it appears at the beginning, you should write the abstract after you have written the rest of the report, so that you are clear about all the information that will go in the abstract.
Gives background information to provide a context for the report.
Gives the purpose of the report.
Indicates what the report will cover.
School of Nursing & Midwifery / Study Skills & Access Unit
The methodology section summarises what you did to collect the data.
The information should be presented logically and concisely.
Describes what was discovered, observed, etc in your observations and experiments.
Tables, graphs, charts or diagrams can be used as a way of visually presenting information. This information should also be described in writing.
Make sure you label all graphs, charts, tables or diagrams.
Discusses and explains findings and relates them to previous research.
Explains the significance of findings.
May include an outline of any problems encountered and a discussion of the limitations of the study. No research is perfect and it is important to analyse your findings in a critical way.
Sums up the main points of the report.
The conclusion should clearly relate to the objectives of your report.
Do not include new information here.
Suggestions for action or further investigation.
These must be logically derived from the body of your report.
Contains the full details of the references used in the text.
Follow your department’s recommended style for references (Harvard or Vancouver).
School of Nursing & Midwifery / Study Skills & Access Unit
Appendices contain material which is too detailed, technical, or complex to include in the body of the report (e.g. a questionnaire) but which is referred to in the report.
Information in the appendices should not be essential to understanding the report – the reader should be able to choose whether or not to consult the appendices.
Appendices are put at the very end of reports.
Each appendix should contain different material. Number each appendix clearly.
When are reports produced?
Reports are usually produced after a project or investigation has been carried out.
Often, the report will be produced after a class or group project.
Projects/Investigations can be practical e.g. experiments, interviews, clinical analyses.
Alternatively, reports can be literature based.
Writing style
Your writing should be clear and concise.
Avoid using the first person, i.e. “I” or “We” – e.g.
“It is recommended” not “I recommend”
“Difficulties were encountered” not “We encountered difficulties”.
In some cases you can use first person. Check with your course tutor.
Further Reading
COTTRELL, S. 2008 The study skills handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.