

Paper details:
Economics is not just some obscure discipline only affecting specialized academicians, but instead has profound impacts on every-day life. To help you become aware of how often economic topics are in the news and some of the ways they can impact your life, you will be required to locate 2 current news articles that are directly related to economics. You will provide a summary, why it’s significant and/or why you selected the article, and how it relates to this course, for each selected article.

Sources: Research may come from any reputable newspaper (e.g., USA Today, The Sun Herald, The Wall Street Journal, etc.), newsmagazine (e.g., Time, Newsweek, Discover, etc.), or reputable Internet news sources (e.g.,,, etc.), textbook or book.

You may not use tabloids (e.g., National Enquirer, Weekly World News) or other disreputable sources, like Wikipedia!

All current economic research must be dated (i.e. come from a dated print issue or have a dated byline on the web page; general information web sites are not acceptable) and current (less than 2 years old). Projects and articles without current dates will not be accepted and will receive a 0.

Topics: The topics of the articles must be directly related to economics and/or economic theory. This is not a current events assignment, and all articles must be about economics; articles about topics other than economics will not receive credit.


At the top of each article assignment page, place the following:

Your name

ECO 2113 – Spring 2015 Online

This is followed by the title of the article and the complete source information (this information should precede and be separate from your commentary).

Complete source information includes the name of the newspaper or magazine, the date, the volume number (if available), and the page numbers. Also include the author’s name, if available. For web sites, include the name of the website or organization (such as, the date of the article, the complete, specific URL for the article, and, if available, the author (or news service such as AP) of the article.

Next, prepare a commentary of the article. The commentary should contain 2 parts. Part 1 is a brief summary (15 points each article) of the article in your own words. Part 2 is a response (15 points each article) to the article discussing why the article is interesting or significant to you.

Lastly, include a specific reference section (20 points each article) tying the article to our economics class and your economics book. You need to include chapter and page reference in this section. Explain why the course material is relevant for understanding the article, and, if possible, use ideas from class to expand upon or critique the article. Obviously, your choice of article is important to the success of this assignment.

Try to find an article that allows you to make good use of the concepts and ideas we develop in class. Your grade will be based in part on how well you use the course material to analyze the article you choose to write about.

Instructions: Your assignment must be typed/word-processed in Microsoft WORD (NOT WORKS) in 12 pt. font, double spaced and in Times New Roman font.

Copy and paste your article (research) into a Microsoft Word document to submit with your project. The article (research, not just URL) must be included with your project or you will receive a zero for this assignment.

Format: Please save your project as: Your name, ECO 2113-002 Spring 2015 Project.

Your project should be saved in the following order: First summary, First source, Second summary, and Second source. The project will be submitted as one file. If you cannot convert your sources to a WORD document, please label all files and upload the files as summary, source, summary source.

Proper spelling, grammar, and style will be considered in grading. Sample projects are posted under the content tab for your review.

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