Educational Issue Project Plan
Educational Issue Project Plan
Title provided is Approved EIP topic is A tentative title of
approved EIP title is inconsistent with mentioned, but the EIP is provided
not included. pre-approved EIP tentative title is vague (and is clearly
Topic, or topic is or incomplete. connected to the
mentioned, but title approved topic of
of project is not the EIP)
2 – Issue/Content 0 points 1 point 4 points 6 points
Detailed description Vague description of General description of A more detailed
of the EIP topic is the topic is included, the topic is provided, description of the
not provided, or but explanation of with mention of what approved topic is
topic is vaguely what will be critically will be analyzed, and provided, including
mentioned but not analyzed and/or how the topic is an explanation of
explained; how the topic is broadly related to what exactly will be
connection to significant to African African American analyzed in the EIP
African American American education education. and how the topic is
education is not is unclear. related or otherwise
present. significant to the
education of African
3 – Design 0 points 1 point 4 points 6 points
No description of Mention of the Description of the Description of the
the option selected selected option or option selected for the option selected for
for the EIP is the selected EIP is provided, but the EIP (i.e., video,
included. software is included, the software that will Prezi or Powerpoint
but the planned be used to create it is presentation,
format of the EIP is not clearly specified. infographic or digital
unclear. poster, interactive
timeline) is provided,
and which software
you will use to create your EIP is spedfied.
4 – References 0 points 1 point 3 points 5 points
No list of references Less than 3 A tentative list of at A tentative list of 3
is mentioned or scholarly references least three scholarly to 5 (or more)
included in the plan. is included in the references is provided scholarly references
plan and/or the and the citations are is provided and each
references in the list consistently formatted. citation is properly
are not formatted cited according to