Definitions of validity and reliability.
Write about your definitions of validity and reliability. Provide an example of how a test may be reliable, yet not valid.
locate a current example from the news, an observation, or other real life experience, that connects to an aspect of stratification discussed in the chapter. How does your current example illustrate whether this type of stratification has remained the same, has improved, or has worsened over time? And, what is the likelihood of this type of stratification improving in the near future?
Sample Answer
Validity refers to the accuracy of a measurement or test. It ensures that a test measures what it is intended to measure. For instance, a test designed to measure intelligence should actually measure intelligence, not something else like test-taking ability.
Reliability refers to the consistency of a measurement. A reliable test produces similar results over time or across different raters. A reliable test might not be valid, however. For example, a scale that consistently weighs you 5 pounds heavier than your actual weight is reliable but not valid.