William Tsutsui’s Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization
DescriptionEssay: take a very different approach.. For this one, you’ve got one main source–William Tsutsui’s Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization.So–what kind of an essay can you write on this? There are a three different directions you could go. Any one of them is suitable.1. One approach would be to write a book review. In a book review, you typically describe the book to your readers–you tell them who the author is, explain his or her identity, you describe the book itself–what does it deal with, how many chapters, what do they all deal with. But — and this is very important — to write a good book review, you also need to analyze the book–tell us what is the main thesis or argument that the author is setting out in the book, how does the author support that argument, what evidence does s/he use? Is the argument convincing? Or do you argue that it has some weaknesses or flaws–and if so, what is your evidence for saying so? Or is the author’s argument totally brilliant and supply unique insight, does it relate particularly well to you, or to us (your own audience) and our time/situation? And–again–what is your evidence for saying so?2. A second approach would be for you to use Professor Tsutsui’s book, along with other sources, to make your own argument about Japanese popular culture and Japanese history. That’s going to depend on you to have some inspiration, some idea of your own that you want to communicate.3. A third option would be to pick up on something that Brett Walker says about Japanese popular culture & post-war Japan and then expand on that (agree, disagree, complicate, whatever direction you want to go), drawing on Tsutsui and other sources.A word about other sources–some of you may be big fans of some specific aspect of Japanese popular culture, or of video games based on Japanese culture or Japanese history. You are welcome to bring those into your essay in order to make whatever point you want to. However–be aware that your reader (namely, me) may not share your obsession with Sailor Moon or Pokemon, and that he has never played a video game in his life–therefore, you will need to provide thorough explanation!CITE SOURCESYour essay should be a minimum of three double-spaced typed pages in MSWord (about 1,300 words of text and footnotes–not including any title page or bibl