Giant Sequoia Trees

Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page on “the big trees” from the National Park Service:

Use the materials and PowerPoint on Forests. You may use any other credible sources as well. We will discuss in class in our Teams; then, after class submit your individual response as a Word document.

Answer these three questions in your own words (5 points for each):

  1. Is fire good or bad for the Giant Sequoia trees? Explain and discuss.
  2. What measures would you propose to educate the public about the role of fire for these trees? Consider species survival, biodiversity, cultural or aesthetic value, recreational (tourism) value, or any other reasons. Hint: you could also frame this using the three pillars of sustainability.
  3. What impact do human populations have on giant sequoia trees? Explain.

PBS video on Fire in the Giant Sequoia Trees

National Geographic video on Giant Sequoia trees and fire

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