Critical assets

What types of critical systems, networks, and data constitute your organization’s information infrastructure? Provide a brief description of these types of assets, and where relevant, the roles that these assets play in the organization.

· Which of these critical assets are the most essential to your organization’s ability to accomplish its mission? Explain why.

· What vulnerabilities can you identify in your organization’s systems, networks, and data?

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Critical systems, networks, and data that constitute my organization’s information infrastructure include:

  • Systems:
    • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system: This system supports our core business processes, such as accounting, finance, manufacturing, sales, and distribution.
    • Customer relationship management (CRM) system: This system helps us to manage our customer relationships and sales pipeline.
    • E-commerce platform: This platform allows us to sell our products and services online.
    • Content management system (CMS): This system allows us to manage our website and other digital content.

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  • Networks:
    • Local area network (LAN): This network connects our computers, printers, and other devices within our office.
    • Wide area network (WAN): This network connects our offices in different locations.
    • Internet connection: This connection allows us to access the internet and communicate with our customers and partners.
  • Data:
    • Customer data: This includes information such as customer names, addresses, contact information, and purchase history.
    • Financial data: This includes information such as our revenue, expenses, and profits.
    • Intellectual property: This includes our trade secrets, proprietary software, and copyrighted materials.

The most essential critical assets to my organization’s ability to accomplish its mission are the ERP system and the customer data. The ERP system supports our core business processes, and the customer data is essential for us to understand our customers and meet their needs.

Here are some vulnerabilities that I can identify in my organization’s systems, networks, and data:

  • Systems:
    • The ERP system is complex and difficult to patch, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.
    • The CRM system is not properly integrated with the ERP system, which can lead to data silos and errors.
    • The e-commerce platform is not secure enough, which could allow hackers to steal customer data or launch attacks on our website.
    • The CMS is outdated and not properly maintained, which makes it vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.
  • Networks:
    • The LAN is not properly segmented, which could allow malware to spread quickly throughout our network.
    • The WAN is not encrypted, which could allow hackers to intercept our data.
    • The internet connection is not properly protected by a firewall, which could allow hackers to gain access to our network.
  • Data:
    • Customer data is stored in a variety of locations, which can make it difficult to secure.
    • Financial data is not backed up regularly, which could lead to data loss if our systems are compromised.
    • Intellectual property is not properly protected by copyrights and trademarks, which could allow others to steal our ideas.

To mitigate these vulnerabilities, we need to implement a comprehensive security program that includes the following:

  • System security: We need to regularly patch our systems and keep them up to date with the latest security software. We also need to integrate our systems securely and segment our network to prevent malware from spreading.
  • Network security: We need to encrypt our WAN traffic and implement a firewall to protect our internet connection. We should also segment our LAN and implement other security measures to protect our network from internal threats.
  • Data security: We need to centralize our customer data in a secure location and encrypt it at rest and in transit. We should also regularly back up our financial data and implement other security measures to protect our intellectual property.

By implementing a comprehensive security program, we can reduce the risk of cyberattacks and protect our critical assets.

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