Hispanic Americans: Colonization, Immigration, and Ethnic Enclaves in the Sage reader
After reading Chapter 12 Hispanic Americans: Colonization, Immigration, and Ethnic Enclaves in the Sage reader, answer the questions below in light of the readings. No outside resources. Answer each prompt, plus expansion of ideas and thoughts with examples.
• 1. Are Mexican Americans a Colonized or immigrant minority group? Both? Neither? Based on what you read, why do you conclude that opinion?
• 2. Compare Chicanismo with Black and Red Power. How and why do these protest movements differ? Describe the key ideas, leaders, and organizations of Mexican American protest.
Assignment 2 – Discussion
After reading the article, The Future of Puerto Rico by Barbara Mantel (ch.13 Sage reader) discuss the following in 1 paragraph per question/prompt.
• 1. What did you learn about Puerto Rico’s colonial past and present?
• 2. What are the arguments made in-favor of Puerto Rican statehood (to incorporate as the 51st U.S. state.)?
• 3. What are the arguments made in opposition to Puerto Rican Statehood?
History – Minorities in America
Week 6
• California Baptist University HIS 311 History of Minorities in America Custom Electronic Edition Slim Pack – Sage Reader
• Takaki, Ronald (2008). A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. ** Writers have access to this book.
• Ch. 5 Slavery and Its Discontents (Takaki)
• Ch. 14 The African American Political Journey 1500 – 1965 (Sage Reader)
• Ch. 15 The Development of Dominant-Minority Group Relations in Pre-industrial America: The Origins of Slavery
• Ch. 16 African Americans from Segregation to Modern Racism and Institutional Discrimination (Sage Reader)