″Ozymandias″ by Percy Bysshe Shelley, ″To The Stone-Cutters″ by Robinson Jeffers

Using ″Ozymandias″ by Percy Bysshe Shelley, ″To The Stone-Cutters″ by Robinson Jeffers, and ″Sonnet 55″ by William Shakespeare, write an argumentative
essay in which you examine how each author depicts ONE of the following themes:

  • Time
  • Art as a means of achieving
  • immortality
  • Words/poetry vs. monuments/stonework
  • Art vs. political power
    Paper requirements
  • Word Count: 1,250-1,500 words (excluding heading, document header, and Works Cited page)
  • Secondary Source Requirements: 1 secondary source (a peer-reviewed academic journal article from our online databases about the poem(s) analyzed;
    articles from Bloom′s Literature will not be accepted; websites and other non-academic sources will result in a grade of 0 for this requirement)…
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