“The Case for Lowering the Drinking Age to 18”

Directions: Choose one of the topics and pre-existing texts below to respond to in a text drafted for new media. You are not required to film a video or edit a TikTok. Instead, you will be demonstrating an understanding of the rhetorical context of new media through drafting either a script for a video that would be posted to YouTube or some other video aggregate site or a blog post that could be submitted to a digital publisher specializing in reader-generated content.
Texts for Response (TOPIC BELOW)

• “The Case for Lowering the Drinking Age to 18” by Shayna Herszage for The Yeshiva University Observer (opens in new window): Frame your response around whether you agree with the points made by Herszage. Why do you agree? Why do you disagree? What do you think the drinking age should be?

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