Culturally competent educator

What does it mean to be a culturally competent educator?
Where do you see yourself on the cultural competency continuum chart and why? Support your placement on the continuum chart with your position regarding specific controversial, culturally-based issues that affect K-12 education.
What will it take for you to get to the next step or to deepen your cultural competence, including understanding your own personal bias, teaching in a diverse classroom, and implementing strategies for ensuring a safe and supportive classroom for all students?
What are some specific research and readings, tools, resources, or training you might use to further your cultural competency as an educator?
What will it look like to have cultural inclusivity in your future classroom?
How will you ensure you are respecting students as individuals with differing personal backgrounds and various skills, abilities, perspectives, talents, and interests that do not align to your spiritual beliefs and moral values?

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