Ana Mendiata
Find and read at least 5 articles about the artist
• 1500 words with links to 5 images. Please footnote the image with the source. For the essay, 1500 words that follow the general format of the 5 paragraph essay with an introduction, 3 paragraphs of content, and a conclusion. Do not title the paragraphs or number them. Please spell check and proofread your work!!!
• In the introduction, tell me why this artist matters, what are they known for. DO NOT start by telling when and where they were born. Talk about what makes the artist important, not a timeline from when they started to now. Why should I care about this artist?
• You must relate the artist to artists discussed in the class. You must discuss the artist’s work using the relevant concepts you have learned about in this class with the correct understanding of the terminology and concepts.
• Concepts include, semiotics, mimesis, abstraction, deconstruction, aura, abjection, male gaze and identity construction. You must discuss the work in terms of its semiotic content, as well as whatever concepts are listed here. Connect the work to society and contemporary culture when possBible.