Business Technical Writing – Diplomacy, Tone, and Emphasis in Technical Writing

Your supervisor Tina promised to send you a spreadsheet full of data that is central to a report you’re wriTing. Specifically, the spreadsheet needs to include sales figures for each week for the months of January, February, and March 2021. Last time Tina sent the data, it was incomplete only including data from January. She said she’d have it to you by Thursday, and today is Friday. Your own report is due Monday. In your email, be sure to specify and emphasize exactly what you need from Tina. Be sure to consider power relationships and other factors when constructing the email.

Your Task: Write Tina a brief email about this situation. In particular, follow the guidelines for diplomacy, tone, and emphasis in business writing from your textbook (Unit 3.2)

You may use your textbook and notes; however, you must complete Part 1 of the exam within 50 minutes. Manage your time wisely. Attach your email in Canvas.

Please note these examples are not in email format like this assignment should be done but rather are examples that show you how to talk to your supervisor when dealing with this situation. what is the right and wrong.

Examples of Memos to be understand the email should be read –

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