The role of sacred scripture in different world religions
In Chapter 6 on Sacred Scripture, Livingston discusses the role of sacred scripture in different world religions. For example, the Muslim Qur’an, the Sikh Granth Sahib (Adi Granth), and the Hebrew and Christian Bible are considered not only authoritative but also the inspired and infallible or inerrant Word of God (without error not only in matters of faith and morals, but in scientific and historical matters as well). The 19″ century can be described as the period when historical criticism of scriptural revelation came into its own (read Handout #1). Given the historical developments of the 19th century, is the view of (any) scripture (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu) as inerrant and infallible in all matters, including science and history, defensible in the light of modern developments since the Enlightenment? (Again, read Handout #1.)