The Experimental Design Plan

Conduct your experiment, collect data and prepare for the experiment analysis. During week 14 you will submit an experiment report using information from your design plan and experiment results. Please note that experiments that do not use the Vernier sensors will receive a grade of 0 so make sure you have your sensors ordered and available by week 14 when you must turn in your experiment report.

Look through the directions in the transpiration lab student guides. Before performing an experiment or lab, you must design and plan what is going to be tested and how you are going to test it. You must be organized and be able to communicate your results effectively. This assignment is designed to help you organize your experiment design. Use what you have learned about the scientific method from your lab assignments to help you design an experiment on plant transpiration. You will need to conduct some background research on plant transpiration to help you design your experiment. The research will be used to help you write the introduction portion of your experiment paper.

An experiment is a research method in which you manipulate a variable or variables under very controlled conditions and examines whether any changes occur in response to the manipulation of the variable.

It is a cause and effect relationship

  1. Experiment introduction & background research with references in APA format (50 pts)

Before you can design an experiment you need to have a good understanding of the current research. You need to summarize what research is currently known about your experiment question in the introduction of your report. This part of the assignment allows you to get a jump start on that task while building valuable knowledge that will help you in your experiment design.

1) Visit the APUS library and internet to research information on plant transpiration. The program guide for natural sciences is a good starting place to begin your APUS library research: Natural Science

2) Look through these examples of how to share background research in an introduction: Example of Introduction section

Collect background information for your research experiment and use references and in text citations to back up you research. Explain any ideas or techniques that are necessary for someone to understand your experiment. At the minimum you should cover what transpiration is, what role/influence your independent variable has on enzymes, why this is important, your testable question and hypothesis. The introduction is generally 1 page long. You need to use APA formatted in text citations and references and this should be written in the 3rd person. You need to use at least 4 different academic references for your background research.

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