Blade and his gang. Freak’s quick planning and creative thinking get them out of several dangerous situations.
B. Introduce Passage-Explain the scene where the quote takes place.
In one of the beginning scenes in the story, Blade and his punkster pals bully the boys into a pond. Kevin encourages Max to put him on his shoulders in order to walk deeper into the pond to outwit and escape the mean boys. His plan works.
C. Cite the passage.
“ In a small voice I say, ‘ Tell me what to do,’ and Freak pats me on the shoulder and says, ‘Just give me a nanosecond to process the alternatives.’…He does have a plan. Only the plan is to run out into the smelly millpond and drown us both…The pond is right ahead of me, and I’m sort of running along the edge, crunching over the bottles and cans and wrappers, and then I hear this zingy sound and I just know that Blade is swinging a knife, cutting the air right behind us, and there’s nowhere to go but into the pond, like Freak wants me to” (36- 37).
Eventually, after a short chase through the pond, the police arrive to help Max and Kevin. When the police ask for their names, Kevin states, “ ‘ We’re Freak the Mighty. That’s who we are. We’re nine feet tall in case you haven’t noticed”(40).
D. Explanation of Scene (What does this scene show about the character. Explain your reasoning for using this passage)
Kevin’s ingenuity helps the boys get out of a dangerous situation and eventually shows Kevin’s mom that Max is a good kid, nothing like his father. This is an important scene because from this moment on throughout the book, the boys call themselves Freak the Mighty. Kevin provides the directions and Max, the mobility and strength. This scene is the inciting incident because afterwards, the boys take on the world by going on quests and pretend to be knights in King Arthur’s court. Despite the teasing from other kids, Freak teaches Max to not worry as much about what others think, but to ignore the stares and mean words and be the person he wants to be. He teaches Max to take on the world with a mind full of creativity and wonderment. By the end of the novel, Max realizes that he is smarter than he imagined, became a great student, a writer and won the respect of Blade and the gang. This shows that being creative and working together to solve a problem can lead to exciting results and meaningful friendships.
A. Topic Sentence
B. Introduce Quote
C. Cite Passage/Quote
D. Explain HOW
A. Topic Sentence
B. Introduce Quote
C. D.
V . A.
B. C.
Cite Passage/Quote Explain HOW
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