Philippians 3:3:12-13

Lesson Objective: Write a short lesson objective of 3-5 sentences based on the term Press On using Philippians 3:12-13 as the foundation.

Introduction: Write a short narrative on the book of Philippians, focusing on Philippians 3:12-13

Lesson Outline: Using the questions below and Philippians 3:12-13, create a 10 points lesson Outline titled- The Power and Benefits of Press On.

· Paul says I press on to make “it my own.” What does “it” refer to?

· What is Paul pressing on to lay hold of?

· Can we become perfect in this world? If it’s not possible, then why was Paul aiming for it?

· He mentions “pressing on” or “reaching forward” three times in these verses. What does this mean according to the Bible, not Webster?

· What is involved in pressing on to become sanctified?

· What kind of actions might someone take who is pressing on for holiness?

· What is involved to press on mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

· What ongoing changes must you make to forget what’s behind you and press on?

· Why is it important to forget what is behind?

· How could not forgetting the past hinder future service to God?

· What two things can we learn from your history?

· What are the similarities between Paul is talking about here and an athlete?

· What is the prize you will get if you Press on?

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