Application Activity Network Security

Application Activity Network Security Assignment Instructions


Security was once a separate topic from networking and many professionals dismissed it as unnecessary. Today, network security is one of the most important parts of the networking professional’s job. A key point in the threat environment today is that wizard hackers who hacked for the thrill of breaking in and the enhancement of their reputation have given way to career criminals. Computer crime for traditional greed motives dominates the threat environment today.


The planning section has many important concepts. Arguably, the most important planning principle is risk analysis. You cannot stop all attacks, any more than society can stop all robbery. The important thing is to spend money on protection only if there is a larger reduction in probable losses.

For this activity utilize Microsoft Visio or a subsequent visual design tool and create a diagram that lists types of attackers in a way that illustrates them from most dangerous to least dangerous.

Create categories to place these attackers in such as:

traditional hackers,

malware writers,

disgruntled employees,

career criminals,

terrorist groups,

nation-states, etc.

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