Film summary
create a short summary of this week’s reading(s), this week’s lecture, and a comment about the films.
These should be short and sweet but should capture the most important points. Please write one short
paragraph summarizing the reading and a separate one summarizing the lecture and a third about the films.
week 6 lecture reading and films((Rashomon or Toyko Story, optional Wild Strawberries)
week 7 lecture reading and films(Breathless or Cleo, & The Hand, optional La Jette or Diary) :
week 8 lecture reading and films( (Taste of Cherry, Xala, Vagabond, Lives of Others, or The Damned, City of
God, Old Boy) :
Each link should have one summary for reading. one summary for the lecture, and one summary for films. so
totally 9 summary paragraphs. for the film part, you can not only write the film summary and also about the
feeling when you watch the film.