Strong academic background
Strong academic background
Order Description
I’m applying for 4 Economics PhD and 6 Master programs. I have a major GPA 4.0 in both economics and mathematics but I don’t have any research projects.
Requirement for Personal Statement
Duke University
Write a statement (1-2 pages, single-spaced, in a 12-point font) indicating your purposes and objectives in undertaking graduate study, your special interests and
plans, and your strengths and weaknesses in your chosen field. Briefly describe any research projects or any independent research in which you have actively
participated and indicate how this has influenced your career choice and desire to pursue graduate studies.
Ann Arbor
The Academic Statement of Purpose should be a concise, well-written statement about your academic and research background, your career goals, and how this graduate
program will help you meet your career and educational objectives.
The following information is required on the header of your Academic Statement of Purpose:
• Write “Academic Statement of Purpose” at the top of your document
• Your name
• The name of the graduate program
• Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)
Make sure your margins are set up at one-inch and that any inserted tables fit within those margins to avoid pages being added or removed in your original document(s).
Please preview your files after they have been uploaded.
You can also convert your documents to PDF format before uploading.
Personal Statement (500 word limit)
How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision
to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan?
For example, if you grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, you might
discuss the impact this had on your development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to your decision to seek a graduate degree.
Please do not repeat your Academic Statement of Purpose.
The following information is required on the header of your Personal Statement:
• Write “Personal Statement” at the top of your document
• Your name
• The name of the graduate program
• Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)
Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Please upload your curriculum vitae or resume that describes your education, work experience, research publications, teaching experience, professional activities,
volunteer activity, community engagement, honors and awards.
The following information is required on the header of your statement
• Write “Curriculum Vitae/Resume” at the top of your document
• Your name
• The name of the graduate program
• Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)
Focus your Statement of Purpose on the reasons you are interested in attending a specific graduate program at UCSD. Check the department requirements for the Statement
of Purpose. The statement should be well organized, concise, and completely free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Before submitting the statement, seek
constructive comments and criticism from friends and advisors.
Five primary topics to cover in your statement of purpose:
1. How did you become interested in this field? Establish that you have had a long-term interest in the field and that you have taken positive steps in pursuing
your interest. Give the committee members a sense of your particular talents and abilities and their relevance to your academic interests.
2. What experiences have contributed toward your preparation for further study in this field? Demonstrate your interest by providing examples of research
experiences, internships, work experience, community service, publications, or life experiences. Briefly describe what you did in each experience. Also, make sure to
articulate what you have learned about the field and how those lessons stimulated you to pursue an advanced degree.
3. What are your future goals? Specifically state your degree objective (Master’s or Ph.D.) and specify what subdisciplines you are interested in pursuing. For
example, if you are applying in political science, the committee needs to know whether you are pursuing American Politics, Comparative Politics, International
Relations, or Political Theory. Let the reader know that you are planning a future career as a university professor, researcher, or consultant, or in public service or
private practice (or whatever your goal happens to be).
4. What are your research interests? Within your subdiscipline, you should be able to identify one or two topics that are of interest to you. When possible, be
specific about your research agenda. Remember that you will be working with professors in research; therefore, your research interests should parallel those of the
faculty. (You will usually not be expected to know exactly what you want to research; faculty know that initial interests often change.)
5. How are you a “match” for the program to which you are applying? Explain what attracts you most to the institution/program to which you are applying. Align
your research interests with those of one or more of the affiliated professors. The better the “match” with the program/professors, the better the chance that you will
be admitted.
Other factors to weave in (remember these are secondary factors):
• Give examples of personal attributes or qualities that would help you complete graduate study successfully.
• Describe your determination to achieve your goals, your initiative and ability to develop ideas, and your ability to work independently.
• Describe background characteristics that may have placed you at an educational disadvantage (English language learner, family economic history, lack of
educational opportunity, disability, etc.).
• Leave the reader believing that you are prepared for advanced academic work and will be successful in graduate school.
The Statement of Purpose should describe your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the University of Virginia, your preparation for this field of study,
study and research interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your
aptitude and motivation for graduate study.
Your commitment to a selected field of study is assumed; we want you to discuss some of the problems and issues that particularly engage your mind.
Please limit your submission to between 500-1000 words.*
* STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Please explain why you wish to do graduate work in the field you have selected. Describe your ultimate academic and career objectives. To the
extent you are able, comment on subareas within your general field of proposed study which you hope to explore in depth in your graduate study and indicate any member
(s) of the Washington University faculty with whom you might want to pursue a research topic.
Completed Math and Economic Courses
Mathematics Courses
Course Title: Calculus and Matrix Algebra for Business, University of Iowa
Grade: A+
Textbook: Calculus with Applications, 9th Edition
Course Title: Calculus II, University of Iowa
Grade: A+
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 6th Edition
Course Title: Introduction to Linear Algebra, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th Edition
Course Title: Calculus III, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Vector Calculus, 4th Edition
Course Title: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition
Course Title: Fundamental Properties of Spaces and Functions, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Fundamental Ideas of Analysis, 1st Edition
Course Title: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Introductory Combinatorics, 5th Edition
Economics Courses
Course Title: Principles of Microeconomics, University of Iowa
Grade: A-
Textbook: Principles of Microeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw, 6th Edition
Course Title: Principles of Macroeconomics, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Macroeconomics by Hubbard and O’Brien, 4th Edition
Course Title: Microeconomic Theory, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Microeconomics by D. Besanko and R. Braeutigam, 4th Edition
Course Title: Macroeconomics, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Macroeconomics by Andrew B. Abel, Ben S. Bernanke, Dean Croushore, 8th Edition
Course Title: Mathematical Economics, University of Iowa
Grade: A+
Textbook: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 4th Edition
Course Title: Behavioral Economics, University of Iowa
Grade: B+
Textbook: Introduction to Behavioral Economics by David R. Just, 1st Edition
Course Title: Introduction to Econometrics, University of Iowa
Grade: A
Textbook: Introduction to Econometrics by James H. Stock, 3rd Edition