“math anxiety.”

You can approach this assignment from one of two angles: you can do your research as a person who struggles with math anxiety, or you can research from the perspective of helping someone else who has math anxiety. Here’s what I’m expecting from you:

What is math anxiety? Find 2 – 3 articles on the internet that discuss math anxiety. Answer questions such as: what is it? What are some tips to overcome it? What are some of the causes of math anxiety? Who is more likely to have math anxiety? Etc.
Why did you choose these articles? Write about why you chose these articles. Was one more helpful than the other? Why? Did they differ on the tips they offered? How? You are required to reference these articles, and you must cite your sources when referenced in your paper. If you fail to do so, the paper will receive a 0%.
Give the URL of the article at the end of the articles you chose.
Your math history. In addition, you are to discuss your history with math anxiety. How have you dealt with it in the past? What has your performance in other math classes been before this quarter? Be specific and detailed.
If you haven’t struggled with math anxiety, then share your success stories – what you have done to be successful in math.
If you once struggled with math anxiety, but no longer do, then share what you did to overcome math anxiety.
Strategies for Success. Incorporate strategies concepts in regards to dealing with math anxiety, such as self-talk, scotomas, Lock on-Lock out, affirmations, etc. That is, develop your own list of tips on how to overcome math anxiety by using the concepts you learned.

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