Fetal Genetic Testing Journal Entry
For this assignment, you will enter some thoughts into your journal. You will be reflecting on fetal testing during
pregnancy for birth defects and how testing has led to a decrease in specific birth defects in various countries.
- Review this unit’s required reading.
- Read this online article, “What kind of society do you want to live in?”: Inside the country where Down
syndrome is disappearing.” (Links to an external site.) - View the CDC’s statistics page on Down syndrome data in the United States (Links to an external site.).
- In a journal entry, connect what you read about in this chapter article on the extreme decrease in live births
of infants with Down syndrome in Iceland :
How does this article’s statistics from Iceland compare to the United States’ statistics?
What are the implications for a society with a much lower population of children with birth defects, specifically
Down syndrome?
What are the moral, ethical, and societal issues at play in these decisions and societal trends?
Do you feel that this article presented this data from a slanted or biased viewpoint?
*Be sure to use a paragraph to answer each question above. Your paper must be at least one page in length,
double spaced with normal margins and font size, not including footers and headers.