CJ Management Journal

Please copy and paste each question then answer them in detail. Each of your answers should be written
using your own words. Do not copy and paste from your textbook or an Internet source. Simply copying from
the book word-for-word does not show me that you understand the concepts. The answers you will find in the
materials attached. Ensure you use in text citations and add reference(s). This assignment is designed to see if
you are reading and understanding the material from your textbook and learning modules, so these should be
the sources you are citing in your work. You should not need to do research from additional resources unless
the question specifically asks you to do so; you should not be Googling the answers for these questions.

  1. What are some major problems with implementing the ideas of a human service model of employee
    supervision in criminal justice organizations? How do you think employees would react to such a supervision
  2. What type of supervisor do most employees like to work for? Would they select a traditional, innovative, or
    supportive supervisor? Do you believe that employee personalities may influence what type of supervisor is
  3. Describe the role of a probation officer. What are the norms and values associated with this work? Include
    those that can be regarded as legitimate, as well as, those regarded as illegitimate. What are the sources of
    these norms and values? How do education, training and the work experience influence them?
  4. What are some of the biases that would underlie a police officer’s discretionary decision whether or not to
    make an arrest? What biases or beliefs do you possess that would impact your decision to make an arrest or to
    release the offender?
  5. Describe the role of ethics in a criminal justice organization. Why do incidences of corruption occur? How
    can administrators reduce the number of ethical violations?
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