Field Study
Apply the market structure material from readings (5 forces, oligopoly, market structure, network effects) if/where possible.
Briefly describe the key takeaways of your field observations. Describe simple, summary observations for:
Number of brands & parent companies (i.e. who owns the brands)
Price ranges of the deodorant offerings
Whether or not there are sales or promotions
You can list this data in a table format or describe it in a paragraph. Whatever is easier for you. Just hit the highlights, please.
Based on the field data you collected would you categorize this industry as a monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition, or monopolistic competition? Defend
your answer in one or two sentences.
Based on the industry structure you identified above, how do you think the deodorant producers compete with one another? One sentence, please.
How profitable do you think deodorants are compared to other common CPG segments such as toothpaste and cereal? Defend your answer in only one sentence.
You are a manufacturer and you are considering entering the deodorant market. Which of Porter’s five forces worries you the most? Defend your answer in one or
two sentences.