Fictional novels

You will select 1 of the three fictional novels we have read this semester and answering the following
The Critical Book Review should have three parts. What I am looking for is clear evidence that you read to
book grappled with some of the contexts and was able to create your own ideas from the work.
First, please provide a short (2-3 paragraph total) summary of the book. In that summation, you should state the main argument of the book. You may quote the author here.
The second section of the paper should deal directly with the analysis of the book and its arguments, use of primary sources (methodology), and general historical approach (Is it focused on social aspects of the history, political, biographical?). This section should not focus on the writing style of the author. Here are
some specific questions to help you think about your points of analysis.
What does the author do successfully? Does the author do anything unsuccessfully?
Does the author make the topic understandable?
What are the sources the author uses to prove their point? Did the author effectively support their argument? Does the author use reliable sources?
Does the author’s presentation seem accurate? Is the interpretation biased? Can you detect any distortion,
exaggeration, or diminishing of material? If so, for what purpose was it done, and what effect does it have on the overall presentation?
Ultimately, what is the author’s goals in writing the book?
The last section of your review should focus on what you, as a student, take away from the book. How did it
broaden, deepen or impact your understanding of the historical themes discussed?

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