FedEx – Case Study


Describe essential functions
Ability to effectively use tools to identify and describe essential functions of healthy business operation and demonstrate a well-reasoned rationale for its effectiveness (e.g., application of SWOT analysis or other business analysis tools)
Apply essential business concepts and principles
Apply essential business concepts and principles to evaluate the resources and organizational management within the social and economic environment within which it is based (e.g., interpretation of SWOT analysis or other business analysis tools)

Apply appropriate quantitative tools and strategies
Utilize and apply appropriate quantitative tools and strategies to support organizational decision making (recommendations) with an awareness of the role of business in a global economy (e.g., financial analysis or other quantitative tools)
Demonstrate an awareness of the need for ethical leadership
Demonstrate an awareness of the need for ethical leadership within an organization, understand the organization’s responsibility within the community, the environment, and the global context.(e.g., application and interpretation of SWOT analysis or other business analysis tools)
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Communicate clearly and effectively
Communicate clearly and effectively through writing case reports

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