Homeland Security


Directions: Complete a 3 to 4 page paper on a topic related to American national government. Your paper must follow the guidelines below. Additionally, I have listed some suggested topics. All topics must be approved. Use the two mandatory course book to start your research.
Please submit a topic proposal for approval via Blackboard that includes your topic and a brief overview by Week 3.

• 3 to 4 pages in length

• 12 point font size

• Times New Roman

• Double Spaced

• Use Footnotes or MLA Format

• Citations throughout text to support writing & key facts

• Works Cited Page

• Organized

• Grammatically correct

• Meets requirements of rubric (see next page)

Possible Topics: This is just a suggested list. Feel free to develop your own topic.


The Economy

Foreign Policy

The Military

Health Care


The Environment

Civil Liberties

Socioeconomic Policy

Homeland Security


Research Paper Rubric Bryant
200-175 Points

• Strong thesis clearly developed; well organized, well written, and focused.

• Citation throughout work to support writing & key points

• Utilizes a variety of resources: books, academic journals, periodical, online databases, and primary sources

• Writer’s knowledge of the subject is strong

• Grammatically correct with transitions between paragraphs

• Footnotes or MLA Format / Works Cited
174- 149 Points • Consistent, developed thesis (not immediately clear); well organized, well written, and focused on t

• Citation throughout work to support writing & key points

• Utilizes a variety of resources: books, academic journals, periodical, online databases, and primary sources

• Writer’ knowledge of the subject may be weak or vague at times

• Lacks the ability to organize and present information effectively

• Grammatically correct with transitions between paragraphs

• Footnotes or MLA Format / Works Cited
(some mistakes)
148- 123 Points • Partially, developed a thesis (not immediately clear); acceptable organization, lacks focus

• Limited use of citation

• Limited variety of resources: books, academic journals, periodical, online databases, and primary sources

• Writer’s knowledge of the subject is weak

• Lacks the ability to organize and present information in a cohesive style

• Minor grammatically errors with transitions between paragraphs

• Some errors in Footnotes or MLA & Works Cited
124-99 Points • Confused & poorly developed thesis; unorganized, and not focused

• Does not utilizes a variety of resources: books, academic journals, periodical, online databases, and primary sources

• The weak response that lacks detail; no real use of citation/knowledge of the subject is weak and vague

• Not effectively organized /Grammatically incorrect

• Ineffective use of Footnotes or MLA & Works Cited

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