Dimensions of Science and Technology
Task Description
There are a number of global issues facing our future, sources of energy is one of them.
Solar energy will be the focus of this assignment. You are required to demonstrate your
technical and creative skills to investigate a solar device.
Design Brief
Design and construct a solar device that is suitable for classroom use. The audience will
defined by you, either early childhood or primary students, so it needs to be easy to setup and
use, sturdy and safe.
The assignment requires you to design, construction and test of a solar device. The choice
and type of the device is yours: solar cooker, solar water heater, solar still etc. You will
then need to test and modify the device to develop its maximum performance (efficiency).
Your assignment report will contain,
- Research and justify of the type of solar device you will construct with reference to
the age cohort of students. - Design: initial sketches with ‘fit for purpose’ comments and a final design with
justification of suitability: considering the purpose and student cohort. - Synthesize a production plan flow chart that includes safety guidelines
- Production: Evidence of the completed solar device (no more than 2 compressed
images) - Analysis of evidence of performance data, efficiency and justifications for
modifications to improve efficiency. This is your demonstration of your
mathematics and analytical skills. - Evaluation: A 1 min video explaining your new learning, relevance and problems
you might encounter in using the device as a learning opportunity for your students, - A concept map demonstrating linking between the Science and Technologies
curriculum, - Bibliography
Please note that the video must be
compressed or you may choose
submit the URL to locate the video.