Protecting Human Rights of Trans inmates: Comparative Analysis

Findings, Analysis & Recommendation(s)
The findings section must be comprised of the research question(s) and the
methodology employed. Should also depict the unit analysis for measurement.
While graphs and frequency tables are encouraged in this section, must accurately
label all findings, along both the X and Y axis for clear interpretation.
The analysis section should be clear, comprehensive, and thought provoking. This section
does not simply paraphrase the findings. Assumptions and concrete data should be further
explored in this section and the hypothesis must be answered. The analysis section should be
the longest portion of the research paper. Remember, there needs to be substance over length.
All should have a minimum of three compelling recommendations.

  1. If the researcher could redo the project, what would he/she do differently?
  2. What would the researcher recommend to decision makers at the local/state/national
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