exegesis of a city Jericho

exegesis of a city Jericho: Q6 What was the biblical figures’ response and how might this have challenged the prevailing culture?

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select one of the following cities:
? Jerusalem ? Bethlehem ? Beer Sheva ? Joppa (Jaffa) ? Gezer ? Jericho ? Hebron ? Shiloh ? Shechem (Nablus)
Your group will write and perform an exegesis of the chosen city. Each group will collectively research the city of their choice.

The paper should address the following questions:

? What was the history of the city during the Old Testament era?

? What was the significance of the city in the ancient biblical context?

? What circumstances do we know of involving (OT) biblical figures and this city? What was their experience?

? What were some of the key issues in/for the Hebrew community of your city and what
social and cultural factors of the city influenced this?

? What geographical features of the city and its surroundings might inform these issues
and events?

? Q6: What was the biblical figures’ response and how might this have challenged the
prevailing culture?

? What message does this present for the people of God in the 21st century? What wisdom can we learn from their stories?


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